Wednesday, May 4, 2016

New Supply Officer: Strings!

For many months now, Strings has been helping us out with maintaining the harvest spreadsheet and updating the information in game to tell everyone what we need to harvest.  This is an indepth process that does take some time to update, and it was a huge weight off of our shoulders.

After some recent discussion we determined that Strings has been stepping up to the plate to handle a lot of guild administration, even if just to tell an officer that something is going on. This has been instrumental in keeping things running smoothly.

To recognize all of her hard work, we've promoted Lutestrings (and Hamstrings) to the rank of Technical Director.  She'll still be in charge of the same things she always was: maintaining the harvest depots and letting us know if things are going wrong there.  As time goes by she may wish to expand her portfolio, but for now that's it.  This does not mean she deserves any less respect than other officers; just that she does not choose to handle some of the more stressful bits of guild management.

Please continue to direct questions regarding the running of the guild itself (questions about the hall, or about points, etc) to Rosaphina in Jazabelle's absence. If I'm not on Rosaphina, I'm usually in the /hat channel on any of my alts. Strings and Meeba are also able to contact me through FB.

While the guild may be in a lull right now, this happens and is common.  As the mood and certain in game holidays strike, attendance will sweep back up and things will seem to progress faster. For now, enjoy the easy pace and laid-back atmosphere that makes Homes and Tomes such a great place to play.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Guild Updates

Hello friendlies. It's been a while.


Many moons ago, there were requests by some members to be able to see their points histories or have access to the spreadsheet we used to track points.  For many reasons, we were unable to allow that sort of access.  At the time we were using a spreadsheet on Google Drive, and while we thought we'd finally achieved a method that would allow privacy for members while showing the necessary information to officers - it just wouldn't work.

According to our guild window, we have 229 accounts in the guild.  Imagine how big the spreadsheet has grown to be with a tab for every main character.  It was starting to take ten minutes just to load the thing.

Jazabelle and Rosaphina talked, Rosaphina pulled some strings, and Rosaphina's husband Xakane created a database on his personal website for points tracking.  It took some time to transfer all of the information over - and historical data has not been pulled in.  That said, the page is now ready for people to take a look at it.

Please note: This is nothing important to most people, nor was it designed with aesthetics in mind.  This is simply the way to answer some people's concerns that they need to see the points they've been assigned in the past, as well as allowing the entire points process to be much more streamlined.

You can get there by going to the top of the Homes and Tomes webpage, choosing Links, and clicking on Character Points. Or, you can just click here. If you have any questions, please see Rosaphina (not Xakane!) and she'll do her best to help you.


Now through February 2, we're accepting nominations for the Homes and Tomes Member of the Month. Please send a mail to Rosaphina with any nominations you have and a brief explanation of why you feel the member deserves that honor.  The winning member will receive a spotlight on the front page and a personalized book.

The guild hall is still being updated, slowly.  This particular hall is a beast in both its size and its propensity to eat tiles.  With Jazabelle on break, and Rosaphina involved in other things that are taking her time, it'll be a while before it's finished.  If anyone has any requests or suggestions, please talk to Rosaphina and we'll do our best to see what we can do.