Sunday, September 28, 2014

Housing Rally 9-28-2014 – Museums for Fun and Profit!

Welcome to the Homes and Tomes House Rally #31 – Museums for Fun and Profit!

We’ll start off in guild chat to let late-comers join up, and then switch to raid/group channel once everyone is on board!

I’m your host Kuerden Basajuanak, and tonight we’ll be looking at the museums of Norrath! What do you do to commemorate an institution, an idea or a loved hobby? Build a museum of course!

Tonight we’ll look at several different museums and memorials – some more serious than others! Frankly, I was amazed at what some people have done!

As we take a look at these houses, don’t forget to reward the designers by liking creativity and/or style! Try to wait until everyone zones in to LIKE a house though – otherwise the house can shift in the list and make it hard to find!

DON’T FORGET THOUGH!!! A good rating means more people will visit and enjoy someone’s hard work!

For anyone new, we’ll be visiting houses via the Housing & Leaderboards selection of the main EQ2 menu. Sometimes the numbers have shifted a little, just ask if you can’t find it!

We’ll now switch to Raid (^) or Group (#) Chat and dig into this week of Norrath’s Gold!

Our first stop is…

Antonia Bayle Carriage Museum (#15 Hall of Fame/Creativity-Recent) by Cheribomb

A Mistmore Crags Estate

Here we have a cute idea. I live a few blocks from a car museum, and this place nails the concept!

As you zone in you’ll see a concept carriage directly in front of you! A ‘Lover’s Carriage,” take a look at how it was put together! The Festive Pine Garlands are a neat touch, and show how far you can go repurposing items!

Look around a little – there are actors everywhere! To the left of the 1st carriage is a ticket/food stand, again with actors adding visual interest! Go left at the fork.

Here we have a large room with five carriages. The leftmost is Kelethin themed, The center three are New Halas (note the joke), Qeynos and Gorowyn. On the right is a Freeport hansom cab!
Continue around to the right and up the stairs. Here you have a very nicely done Gypsy (Artisan Caravan) coach followed by a Funeral Carriage complete with mourners! Lastly a more traditional Gypsy carriage completes the room.

Take a look around and examine the construction of the assorted carriages – a lot of thought went into them! The general decorating also successfully changes the feel of the Estate, and adds to the museum feel!

We’ll now move on to…

Arboretum of Eternal Memory (#20 Hall of Fame/Creativity-Recent) by Bakuu

A Felwithe Mansion

Despite the name, this is more of an art museum than an arboretum! Continue up to the fountain as you zone in!

Here you begin to feel the art museum in the benches and paintings. The understated decorative plantings add to the tranquil atmosphere.

Continue past the fountain to the 1st intersection. Here you see art curving away from you on either side! Note the MANY Elaborate Brellium Lamps! That’s a lot of Brellium!

Go left until you get to the 1st path. Down it you’ll see a neat use of the pre-fab treehouse! Works extremely well, as does the bamboo furniture and Kerra steps! Simple but lovely!

Cut straight across the central quad through the Lilac Bristletree grove. Several quiet tables exist here lighted with Ruby Red Candelabra, which give a nice red lighting effect! Lots of fireflys and butterflies in use as well!

The far side alcove is similar to the first, while the central path between the stairs leads to a crafting area! If you go up the stairs, you’ll find a flying ship about to disembark.

Again, all around the place are paintings, so a visit is worthwhile just to see so many up and viewable! This place works very well without elaborate reskinning, and reminds me a bit of the Getty in California!

Wander a bit and look at paintings!

Our next house is:

Norrath Museum of Science and Technology (#47 Hall of Fame/Creativity-Recent) by Alarielle

A Felwithe Mansion

Here we have another Felwithe Mansion used as a fairly conventional museum! The nice thing is everything is properly labelled. Just wander around and look at things!

The overall feel here is terrific, and it probably gets the nod for best aquarium exhibit in Norrath for the stunning fish tank!

Several interesting decorative items….

A brazier embedded in a Thurgadin Mystic Magefire sphere…
An Anashti Sul Familiar!
An Effigy of the Storm Queen plushie

And many more. Well worth a look for just the curios in the museum, let alone the tasteful landscaping!

That’s it for tonight folks! We are going to try to do a special Guild Hall crawl soon to look at other guild halls whose décor is truly notable! We’ll also be scheduling a Proof is in the Pudding Faire soon for anyone who wants to get their Solstice Earring – so keep an eye out for announcements!

Good Night Everyone!