Sunday, February 15, 2015

Housing Rally 2-15-2015 – New Hall of Famers 2!!!

Welcome to the February 15th, 2015 Homes and Tomes House Rally – New Hall of Famers 2!!!

We’ll start off in chat to let late-comers join up, and then switch to group/raid channel (if we need to) once everyone is on board!

I’m your host Kuerden Basajuanak, and tonight we’ll be looking at some new Hall of Fame housing! Take a look and see what is liked!

As we take a look at these houses, don’t forget to reward the designers by liking creativity and/or style! Try to wait until everyone zones in to LIKE a house though – otherwise the house can shift in the list and make it hard to find!

For anyone new, we’ll be visiting houses via the Housing & Leaderboards selection of the main EQ2 menu. Sometimes the numbers have shifted a little, just ask if you can’t find it!

So set your Leaderboard for Hall of Fame/Newly Published and head to:

The Plantation by Nafariaa Darksoul (#6 Hall of Fame/Creativity) by Nefariaa

Tenebrous Refuge

Here we have a beautiful scratch-built plantation, complete with barn, windmill/gristmill and manor house – all very nicely done.

Let’s look at the Mill first, since it has some very interesting construction. Let me know if you find a way inside!

Next check out the barn – again, nicely done.

Finally, let’s look at the manor house.

Don’t forget to look at the carriage if you didn’t at zone-in. Wander a few minutes and then we’ll go on to our next house. Don’t forget to Like It if you Like It!

Grand Temple and Gardens of Erollisi (#7 Hall of Fame/Creativity) by Kaian

Felwithe Estate

As we enter, note that this is a standard house decorated largely by adding tree and shrubbery.
Proceed forward and look at the lovely fountain, surrounded by golden marble columns. Expensive but very beautiful!

The trees and other vegetation give the illusion of being outdoors, despite the dome overhead.

Moving straight ahead and continue to the shrine of the bow.
This area has beautifully arranged landscaping, again giving a very tranquil effect.
Looking up the standard dome above just adds to the effect.
Continue on to the temple. The use of Vigilant Screens for some neat geometric effects can be seen here. Ahead you can see an open-air bedroom, again beautifully landscaped, with a kindof creepy Antonia Bayle Fay Plushy… You’ll see her other places as well.

Turn around and go back to the dome. Use the teleport pad to visit the Red and Blue rooms.
I’m a particular fan of novel lighting effects, so look at the scratch-built bath in the red room. Note the use of flickering Braziers of Hatred to give a blue-white light, and an Acropolis feel.
The blue room uses the natural waterfalls and Purple/Blue vegetation to give a darker effect. A few bright green plants set of the darker colors.

Let’s move along now to one of the great ‘undeveloped’ tracts available! It has wonderful possibilities because there are NO structures that come with it!

Botanical Garden and Conservatory (#17 Hall of Fame/Creativity) by Twinklin

Tenebrous Tangle

I found this to be very creative -- and yes we did briefly visit it before to look at the construction techniques used in the Conservatory.

Here I want to focus on the landscape. Take the circular path that runs arounfd the island – which by itself is something to check out. Can you see how it helps to channel visitors through the outside gardens?

Wander the paths and check out the exhibits! Note the use of stone and varied plants to give visually interesting areas.

Be sure to check out the Butterfly garden in the Conservatory as well.

I like this effort – it gives a very bright and happy feeling, and a real effort has been made to make everything just be lovely!

Next we are going to look at a RP Themed Garden. This is near and dear to my heart, as most of my own houses are designed to enhance the roleplaying aspect of my characters!

That’s it for tonight folks! Come back in two weeks for our next Rally!!! Don’t forget to rate it if you like it!

Good Night Everyone!