Sunday, January 4, 2015

Housing Rally 1-4-2015 – Pubs and Things!!!

Welcome to the January 4th, 2015 Homes and Tomes House Rally – Pubs and Things!!!

We’ll start off in chat to let late-comers join up, and then switch to group/raid channel (if we need to) once everyone is on board!

I’m your host Kuerden Basajuanak, and tonight we’ll be looking at some social housing! These are the places people intend for RP socializing, and are always worth a look!

As we take a look at these houses, don’t forget to reward the designers by liking creativity and/or style! Try to wait until everyone zones in to LIKE a house though – otherwise the house can shift in the list and make it hard to find!

For anyone new, we’ll be visiting houses via the Housing & Leaderboards selection of the main EQ2 menu. Sometimes the numbers have shifted a little, just ask if you can’t find it!

So set your Leaderboard for Hall of Fame/Newly Published and head to:

The Overlords Crown (#23 Hall of Fame/Creativity) by Arquenniel

A Uncanny Estate

Here we have a Lucan-themed Pub aand Club! On zone-in you are presented with lots of reminders of the big guy! Features a stage, a gambling den, distillery and Pool room.

Don’t forget to Like It if you Like It!

Keylie’s Shining Blades (#22 Hall of Fame/Creativity) by Keylie

Residence of the Blades

I popped in here and while it’s not really intended as a pub – I liked the look!!! Lots of space to mingle and enjoy society! Very reskinned!

The left door leads to a really lovely bath, and the right to the kitchen!

Head upstairs, and you’ll see areas that would work well as Clubhouse. Very well done and detailed!!!

Wander a few moments and we’ll continue on! Don’t forget to Like It if you Like It!

Our next house is:

The Wing and Tail Pub (#34 Hall of Fame/Creativity) by Sifters

A 4-room House

Here is another design for a Pub! This place is smaller and more intimate, which is a nice touch!!!

Take a few minutes and wander. Like It if you Like It!

That’s it for tonight folks! Come back in two weeks for our next Rally!!! Don’t forget to rate it if you like it!

Good Night Everyone!